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E. Gregory M. Cannarozzi, Counsellor-at-Law LLC
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A full Service Law Firm Providing Courteous, Efficient and Professional Services. Se Habla Espanol, and On Parle Francais
470 Grant Avenue Oradell, New Jersey 07649
Open: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Owner Verified

Compassion and the Personal Attention needed to handle your Legal Situation.

Since 1986 Attorney John C. Feggeler has been providing clients with the sympathy, compassion and the personal attention needed to handle your legal situation. The law firm’s number one goal is to provide you with the best legal representation while defending your rights. The Law Firm of John C. Feggeler...
177 Main Street Matawan, NJ 07747
Alan S. Ashkinaze, Esq.
Owner Verified

A Boutique Law Firm with a emphasis on Environmental Law and Business Law

A Boutique Law Firm Specializing in Environmental Law, Municipal Law, Governmental Affairs and various aspects of Corporate Law including Incorporation, Small Business and Non-Profit Organization Counselling.)
Three University Plaza, Suite 207 Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Owner Verified
The Law Office of Valerie Hemhauser specializes in Divorce and Family Law including child support, alimony and custody litigation; Wills and basic Estate Planning and Municipal court matters. Valerie Hemhauser is personally dedicated to providing innovative, re
125 Half Mile Road, Suite 200 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
Open: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Owner Verified
Municipal Court (Tickets, DWI, Criminal), Criminal Defense, Real Estate ( Buy, Sell, Refinance) Wills/Estates. Collections. Call for an appointment and directions to our two convenient offices, located in Manahawkin and Nutley.
297 Route 72, Suite 35, PMB 195 Manahawkin, New Jersey 08050
Owner Verified
47 Grant St. Suite 200 Mt. Holly, New Jersey 08060
Owner Verified
47 Grant St. Suite 200 Mt. Holly, New Jersey 08060
Owner Verified
25 East salem Street Suite 400 Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Owner Verified
690 Kinderkamack Road, Suite 300 Oradell, New Jersey 07649
201 265-3400
38 North Gaston Aveune Somerville, New Jersey 08876

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