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Wiretapping and Divorce
1. Can a person record or tape a conversation of his or her spouse?Pursuant to federal and state wiretapping statutes, a person is legally permitted to record and tape a conversation only if the person who is doing the recording or taping is a party to the conversation. A person
Alimony Reduction Motions are Decided on a Case-by-Case Basis
1. How are alimony reduction motions usually decided?It is very important to emphasize that alimony reduction motions are decided on a case by case basis. This legal concept often makes many litigants very upset and some even enraged. Your case could be exactly like your neighbor’s case who had his
Death & Divorce
1. Why is life insurance such an important consideration in a divorce case?One of the main considerations in any divorce case is life insurance. If a father or a mother dies then how can the child support be paid. Moreover, if a dependent ex-wife relies on alimony to survive, it
Domestic Voilence FAQ's
1. What is the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act?The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act applies to a person 18 years of age or older or a person who is an emancipated minor that has been subjected to domestic violence by a spouse, former spouse, or any other person who is