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Getting a Divorce Does Not Have to be Expensive!

Quality Legal Services at Affordable Rates! Call 24/7..House Calls, Hospital, and Jail visits Available.
45 River Road East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816
Owner Verified

Compassion and the Personal Attention needed to handle your Legal Situation.

Since 1986 Attorney John C. Feggeler has been providing clients with the sympathy, compassion and the personal attention needed to handle your legal situation. The law firm’s number one goal is to provide you with the best legal representation while defending your rights. The Law Firm of John C. Feggeler...
177 Main Street Matawan, NJ 07747
Owner Verified
Richard Allan Wiener, Esq. provides vital legal services in all aspects of divorce and family law. Our office is firmly dedicated to protecting our clients throughout the litigation process and representing them in all of their post-divorce problems.
685 Neptune Boulevard Neptune, New Jersey 07754
Theodore Sliwinski, Esq.
Owner Verified
Quality Legal Services at Affordable Rates! Call 24/7.House Calls, Hospital, and Jail visits Available.
45 River Road East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816
Owner Verified
The Law Office of Valerie Hemhauser specializes in Divorce and Family Law including child support, alimony and custody litigation; Wills and basic Estate Planning and Municipal court matters. Valerie Hemhauser is personally dedicated to providing innovative, re
125 Half Mile Road, Suite 200 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
Open: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Owner Verified
Our firm has provided legal services in Central Jersey for over 30 years. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality at a reasonable cost.
197 Highway 18, Suite 308 East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816
Owner Verified
Robert H Goodwin initially established his law office in New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1978. For more than three decades, Mr. Goodwin has represented thousands of litigants in contested and uncontested divorces. As a family law attorney and municipal prosecutor since 2000, he has directly participated in a wide range...
1 Spring Street, Suite 804 New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
Owner Verified
Firm specializing in family law litigation and mediation and alternative lifestyle family law matters, divorce & post divorce proceedings, child custody & visitation issues, alimony and child support issues, paternity, domestic violence matters, drafting / review of prenuptial and cohabitation agreements, &contested adoption issues. Richard Diamond (senior partner) is a...
225 Millburn Avenue Millburn, New Jersey 07041
Owner Verified
Personal attention is given to family law clients throughout South Jersey by a family law practitioner with over 30 years experience in areas including divorce, spousal support/alimony, child custody and visitation, division of property, domestic violence, post-judgment modifications, premarital agreements and civil unions/domestic partnerships. Free consultations and evening and weekend...
1202 Laurel Oak Road, Suite 207 Voorhees, New Jersey 08043
Owner Verified

Retain an Experienced Attorney to Protect Your Interest in Family Court

Jonathan D. Gordon, Esq. Ph.D., J.D.-handles all aspects of Family and Matrimonial, including but not limited to Divorce, Separation, Spousal Support, Child Custody Disputes, Mediation, Child Support, Parenting time, Grandparents Visitation, Domestic Violence, Child Protective Matters, Pre-Nuptial agreements and other Family law matters. Jonathan D. Gordon, Esq. is a Court...
310 Cedar Lane, 2nd Floor Teaneck, New Jersey 07666

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