Common Police Mistakes in DWI Cases

10. The police fail to wait twenty minutes after the arrest to conduct the breath tests.

The police must wait at least twenty minutes after the arrest to conduct the breath tests. The reason for this waiting period is to permit the DWI driver’s alcohol residue to dissipate. Many courts will recognize this defense and dismiss the case if there is a violation.

11. The police fail to wait ten minutes between the breath tests.

The police must wait at least ten minutes between the breath tests. Sometimes, the police become careless and they overlook this requirement. This is a great defense, and it does occur in some cases.13. The State failed to provide an after-certificate.

12. Attack the credibility of the police.

The prosecutor must provide an after-certificate that proves that the alcotest is in proper working condition after the time of the DWI driver’s arrest.

14. The paperwork is all messed up.

The police must prepare “books of paperwork” in order to document their DWI case. In many cases, the police do a terrible job in documenting their DWI case. Remember, most police hate paperwork, and in many instances the police officer won’t arrest a drunk driver so that they can avoid preparing all of the paperwork. If the paperwork is sloppy, then this can be used to impeach the police officer(s), and to create holes in the State’s case. Always be aware for errors in the labeling of the breath samples, and of the alcotest machines. Also be aware for discrepancies of the times marked in the police reports. These minor points can be used to try to develop weak links in the State’s case.

15. The police fail to conduct the field sobriety tests correctly.

The police must be trained to correctly conduct field sobriety tests. In one of my cases, the police did not even have the proper training and education to conduct field sobriety tests. My client beat the DWI case on this defense.

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