
New Jersey Intoxicated Driver Resource Center

If a driver has been convicted of an alcohol or drug related traffic or boating offense in New Jersey, then he must satisfy the requirements of the Intoxicated Driving Program (IDP) and the Intoxicated Driver Center (IDRC).The Intoxicated Driving Program is a unit of the Division of Addiction Services of

All About NJ Family Court Motions

1. What is a motion?A motion is simply an application to the family court. Motions can ask for an endless array of different types of relief. The most common grounds for relief are to increase or decrease child support, to emancipate a child, to compel the payment of health related

Martial Tort FAQ's

1. What is a marital tort? Basically, a tort is a civil wrong, for which the court will provide a remedy in the form of an action for damages. Torts may be intentional, negligent or reckless. They may result in any number of physical or emotion injuries and they also include

DWI MVS Surcharges

The New Jersey Merit Rating Program, created by N.J.S.A. 17:29A-35 requires Motor Vehicle Services to collect insurance surcharges from motorists whose driving records include certain motor vehicle offenses. The surcharges are in addition to any court-imposed fines and penalties, or any premium or surcharge fees assessed by insurance companies.Surchargeable events

Child Custody and Religion

1. When parents of different faiths separate, how do courts decide whose religion the children will follow?In today’s world, there are more interfaith marriages than ever before. New Jersey is becoming more multi-cultural each and every generation. As a consequence, our citizens often fall in love and get married to

Common Police Mistakes in DWI Cases

1. The police make an unconstitutional stop of your vehicle.The police can’t stop your vehicle on the basis of an anonymous call, or if there is no probable cause. In most cases, the police must stop the driver for some type of moving violation to justify the DWI arrest. If

Choosing the Right DWI Lawyer

Finding a lawyer who is experienced in handling DWI's should be your top priority. DWI laws are constantly changing and the consequences of a conviction are becoming harsher and harsher, not to mention the negative impact of being labeled a criminal for the rest of your life.If you have never

Boating Under the Influence

As the population grows in New Jersey more and more citizens use the rivers, bays and oceans each weekend for recreational boating activities. The huge number of sailboats, powered vessels, personal watercraft, and part fishing boats that can be seen at the seashore and on the lakes during each summer

Asset Tracing

1. What role does asset tracing have in a divorce case?In most divorces the couples come to court with all sorts of assets. Some of the assets are titled jointly, some are shared, and are never intended to be shared. Asset tracing is simply the process of the documentation and